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Android security

Android phones are becoming a everyday gadget where you keep all your belongings therefore the security of tour phone is essential .
Thing to look for if you might think someone might be hacking your smartphone.
Always check on your battery usage because if someone is hacking your phone then your phone will use extra battery .
Your phone's temprature can tell you amount of work your phone is processing .if an hacker is hacking your phone then it will be processing a lot of data and submitting them.
Is your network stumbling even in areas of good network? Someone might be hearing what you are saying. Is you messages delivery being delayed ? you have to check following the methods ill give you later on this article.
You have to check your download rate again , do not ignore .actually the CIA uses this technique to know if someone is in their network.You take more minutes when downloading even with 4G network ,someone is in your phone network an you have to find this spyware on your phone.
 Check if in case your personal data is being deleted without you deleting them .Check if your messages are all there frequently .if some are deleted then someone is in.
Here are the ways to protect your phone from hackers.
Always turn off your bluetooth off if not in use .Bluetooth connections are a direct way to your phone and always hackers scan for open source like this and take advantage of them.
When using an open wifi network always have a wifi protector tp protect your device against any person who want to use wifi path ways to entyer your system, wifi protectors are available in the play store.
Always and i repeat Always download apps from google play stores .Spywares are always placed in this apps for you ,innocent user to install them and always check how other uses comment about the app.
When browsing using any device, always go to secure and trusted sites ,this will prevent malwares and viruses from your system.
Always install a trusted antivirus in your phone to secure it from malwares and viruses.
Always scan your phone to detect hidden apps using HIDDEN DEVICE ADMIN DETECTOR which is available in the google play store.
Have a lock on your phone's menu.
Do not share your phone's password or any password using emails,messages because these can be intercepted by the hackers easily.

Always monitor your phone carefully because of the increasing rise of hackers.You here of them in news hacking more secure places , hacking gaming networks .Do not fall a victim ,follow the few steps above and stay safe.
Stay safe...Thank you.  

Ed Tesla

Ed Tesla

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