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Artificial Intelligence: What Jobs will intelligent machines steal first?

We both know the era which we are about to come to, the Terminator era, I mean robots but not designed to kill you but to help with different daily chores.

A lot of concerned has been raised by concerned people that the robots will replace humans in various sectors of the economy. For you to know whether you can be replaced ask yourself, the job I am doing, maybe a taxi driver, doctor, can a robot do it better?
Today we want to go beyond to the future and predict which jobs robots will take first from humans.
There is a lot of debate about whether machines will eliminate the need for human employment, and the debate is no longer just academic.
Boston Consulting Company predicts that by 2025, up to quarter of jobs will be replaced by either smart software or robots, will the Oxford University has suggested that up to 35% of the existing UK jobs are at risk of automation in the next 20 years.
Some jobs are already being done by machines, some are obvious, like in the future or now some companies don’t need secretaries, writing reports and maybe booking hotels rooms is done by smart software.
SmartPlanet took some study to explore various sectors to see which jobs are at risk in the recent future. Let’s have a walk.

Factory Workers.
I think all of you were expecting this, because you have all the current automation in Companies.
Let’s take a look at China; people are already building robots that will automatically take their jobs.
Since September last year, a total of 505 factories across Dongguan have invested 4.2bn yuan in Robots, aiming to replace more than 30,000 workers, according to Dongguan Economy and Information Technology

 Taxi Drivers.
We both have had of driver-less cars which are currently on development by major companies like Google, Amazon, Uber. They are already looking beyond a rival service to one that gets rid of the driver.
As chief executive puts it – the service would be a whole lot cheaper if you weren’t paying for that dude in the car, the driver.
Later this year, automated taxi pods will start running on the streets of England’s Milton Keynes, offering rides around the town. The UK government is already updating Highway Code to take account of driver less cars.

The chances are if you recently read a corporate earnings report on Forbes or sports story on AP, it was written by a robot.
Narrative Science chief Science scientist Kristian Hammond has previously said that in 15 years’ time, 90% of the news will be written by machines, but he said again that it won’t mean that 90% of the journalists will have to go.

A robot may not yet have a good besides manner but it is pretty good wading through huge reams of data to find possible treatments for diseases.
IBM’s supercomputer Watson is teaming up with dozen of hospitals in the US, offering advice on the best treatment for a range of cancers.
Robotic surgery is not foolproof through recent safety report found that machine-based surgeries were linked to at least 144 deaths in the US over the last decade.
For now man and robot work side to side, but won’t last for long.

Cocktail waiter.
Royal Caribbean’s luxury cruise ship Anthem of the Seas has recently installed a robotic bar. Drinks can be ordered via a tablet and users aren’t limited to set a menu.
Those jobs are among the better examples of jobs that machines are about to take. We can increase the list by your help, just comment and we will add it here, Thank you.
Ed Tesla

Ed Tesla

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