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A setback to achieving self-driving cars, they can be fooled by laser ‘ghosts’

There have been a lot of debate about such cars and the impact they will create to the society.
If you have been eagerly waiting for the days that you can sir at the back of your car watching a movie while your car takes the ride, you may want to pull that break.
A security researcher has found a simple homemade laser gadget that can easily disrupt automated vehicles.
Self-driving cars such as those perused by   Alphabet’s Google X division use lidar- light radar- as their ‘eyes’, a laser is fired and the light reflected from the objects it hits is analyzed, measuring the distance between the vehicle and the obstacles. This helps with path making and collision detection, but the system can cost tens of thousands dollars. Yet the researcher, Jonathan Petit says he’s found away to fool them for around $79.
Petit, head scientist at software company security innovation and the former research fellow at the University of Cork, combined a mass-market laser with a homemade pulse generator into a device capable of spoofing vehicles. The kitbashed tool creates ghost vehicles that trick the autonomous vehicle lidar, giving the impression of other cars, walls, or pedestrians are in the way. The result could vary from slowdown to complete stoppage.
“I can spoof thousands of objects and basically carry out a denial of service attack on the tracking system so it’s not able to track real objects,” Petit said to BBC.
Think making, a pulse generator would be too tricky for the average hacker? Think again. You can easily do it with Raspberry Pi or an Arduino said Petit.
Petit will be presenting his work in full at Black Hat Europe, a security conference taking place in Amsterdam.
Ed Tesla

Ed Tesla

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