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Study shows our universe was formed from a black hole

Our universe might have originated from a black hole that lies within another universe.
The idea centers on how matter and energy falling into a black hole could in theory come out as a white hole in another universe. In such a situation, both the black hole and the white hole are mouths of an Einstein-Rosen bridge, which is also known as the wormhole.
With that in mind, physicist Nikodem Poplawski at Indiana University conjectured that when a black hole forms upon the collapse of a dying star, a universe is born at the same time from the white hole on the other side of the wormhole.”Our universe could have itself formed from inside a black hole existing inside another universe,” he said.
Although a black hole forming from the star size of our sun would only be 2 miles wide, it does not mean that the universe that might originate from the black hole would stay such small. He said that our universe was small long time ago but it expanded and from the other side, one would not see our expansion. He also noted that, if anyone survived a trip into a black hole and emerged in another universe, it would be one trip. The event horizon of a black hole is a boundary at which nothing can escape.
In theory, black holes do lose mass; however as Hawking radiation – particles that emerge from the vacuum right next to their event horizons. Black holes that lose more mass than they gain are expected to shrink and eventually vanish. This doesn't mean that the universe at the other end of the black hole would cease to exist, Poplawski explained. “We would just be disconnected from the other universe,” he said.
“If our Universe lies within another universe, the prediction would be that our universe is closed,” said Poplawaski. If the universe is closed, if one watches the stars, their light would be visible on the opposite side of the sky. “If the universe is really big, the light from those stars might not have had time to do that yet, but maybe at some point we would see this,”
If our universe was born from a black hole, it would help solve mystery of what came before Big Bang and whether our universe was closed, flat or open. It would also help scientists avoid problems with singularities, or infinitely small point with infinite density. In theory the universe was born from singularity, and every black hole encloses a singularity. However singularities are big headaches for theoretical physicist, since the laws of physics breaks down around them. The notion of black holes as wormholes could explain certain mysteries in modern cosmology, Poplawski said. For example, the big bang theory says the universe started as singularity. But scientists have no satisfying explanation for how such a singularity might have been formed in the fast place. If our universe was birthed by a white hole instead of a singularity, it would solve the problem of black hole singularity and also the big bang singularity.

Nobody knows how the universe was formed, the beginning of time, Are we being too over curious in studying what we can’t just understand, like the black hole? Let hope, some point in time, our technology will be able to take us close or even inside this mysteries of the universe.
Ed Tesla

Ed Tesla

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