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Teleportation Has been archived for the First time

Scientists have been able to teleport a qutrit, or a piece of quantum information based on three states, opening new possibilities for quantum computing and communication.
Quantum teleportation have only been managed with qutrits, albeit over long distances.  A new concept of study suggests that future quantum networks will be able to carry much more data with less interference than previously thought.
Star Trek discovery teleportation.
To understand more, in classical computing. A bit can be in one state, either 1 or 0 but in quantum computing, a bit can be both 0 and 1 at the same time. Also known as superposition.
 Now, the qutrit has the same relationship to the trit, adding superposition to classical states that can be represented as 0, 1 and 2. A qutrit can be all of these at the same time, making it another milestone in terms of computer processing power and also adds complexity for researchers.
Unlike the sci-fi teleportation, Quantum teleportation is instantly obtaining data from one place based on another reading somewhere else, potentially a long distance by the use of a phenomenon known as quantum entanglement or spooky action as Albert Einstein called it.
By splitting the path of a photon up into three parts very close to each other, via carefully calibrated setup lasers, beam splitters and barium borate crystals, the researchers were able to create their qutrit and produce state of entanglement.
Over a measurement of 12 states or entanglements, the system produces a fidelity of 0.75 – an accurate result three-quarters of the time.
“We expect that our results will pave way for quantum technology applications in higher dimensions since teleportation plays a central role in quantum repeater’s and networks.”
The research has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters.

Ed Tesla

Ed Tesla

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